You don’t need to make a new nomination if you want to continue with your current GEI marketing arrangements.
However, if you would like to nominate QCS as your new GEI marketer or increase the amount of sugar you would like to nominate to QCS for the 2026 Season and beyond, you can complete a GEI Sugar Marketer Nomination Form and return it to Mackay Sugar via one of the methods on the form.
If you already have sugar priced for a future season, it will be helpful to talk to your current marketer before completing your new nomination. Only your current marketer can give you the exact amount of sugar you have available to transfer to another marketer. Getting the percentages correct will save you time and effort when completing your nomination.
You can read more about the annual GEI marketing nomination process here.
If you’d like to know more, please contact QCS Grower Services Officer Arthur Douglas on 0447 534 791 or via email.