QCS offers the industry’s most effective and straightforward GEI marketing.

QCS growers can choose the level of control they want to have over their GEI sugar pricing outcomes.

Growers who would like QCS to make pricing decisions on their behalf can combine our ‘QCS to Decide’ forward pricing option with the default in-season pricing mechanism, the QCS Short Term Pool. In the Short Term Pool QCS manages in-season production risk on behalf of growers.

Those growers who like to have control over their forward pricing decisions, but prefer to leave in-season pricing to QCS, can set their own forward pricing levels using our GIPO option while also participating in the Short Term Pool.

And growers who want to manage all their own pricing can use QCS Grower Managed Pricing, where growers manage their own price risk (less the US Quota allocation).

Marketing with QCS provides:


Want to find out more?

You can read more about the QCS pricing options here:

Do I need to complete a nomination form?

If you already market with QCS, you don’t need to complete a new GEI Sugar Marketer Nomination Form each year.

If you would like to nominate QCS as your new GEI marketer or increase the amount of sugar you would like to nominate to QCS for the 2025 Season and beyond, you can contact QCS Grower Services Officer Arthur Douglas on 0447 534 791 or via email, and Arthur can explain the process to you. Alternatively, you can download and complete this form and lodge it with Mackay Sugar.